Marketing and Brand Strategy Consultant


Working with me


It feels strange to tell you what it’s like working with me, so I’ll let some of my former colleagues and managers do the talking. If you want to learn more about my work, you can contact me for more details on specific projects and skillsets.


Kendall is razor sharp, curious, independent and resourceful. In particular, she jumped in to learn a new kind of role and categories, and demonstrated no matter what she takes on, she can figure it out, earn trust and deliver high-quality work and results. She is a star, and one of the people I consider myself most lucky to have worked with. She can do anything.
— Former Manager at Facebook

Kendall’s professionalism and drive is exceptional - she always, ALWAYS does what she says she is going to do and it’s always excellent work. Kendall is a born leader and I consider myself lucky to have had the chance to work with her.
— Former Manager at Messenger

I was constantly impressed by her ability to become an ‘expert’ on any topic or problem in such a short period of time. She was a great leader and taught me a great deal about navigating tech through all of its matrixes.
— Former Direct Report at Messenger

Not only is Kendall committed to her craft, she was a great teammate, fought for clarity and understanding, and brought a positive, fun, and insightful spirit to her work.
— Former Teammate at Facebook

I think it’s only fair to warn you that Kendall is a fierce competitor with the passion to learn, the intelligence to thrive and the determination to win. I’m not just saying she wants to win, I’m telling you that she does win. Consistently. Habitually. Joyfully.
— VCU Brandcenter Professor